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Your Trusted Scrap Metal Recycler in Memphis & the Mid-South

Since 1936, Airways Iron & Metal has provided our communities with a range of services including scrap metal recycling in Memphis, TN, and Shelby County. Our team purchases metals at highly competitive prices including ferrous, non-ferrous, and e-waste materials. We love serving our customers and making our communities safer, cleaner and healthier.

pile of scrap material

A Respected Scrap Metal Buyer and Recycler

Our team takes pride in providing customers with exceptional customer service and exceptional paydays. We possess over 80 years within the industry and have served generations of people throughout the area. We’ve seen it all throughout the years and have the experience necessary to purchase all types of metals, including ferrous and non-ferrous metals and computer components. You can rely on us to take your scrap metal off your hands safely and securely. Trust our devoted professional team to handle your metals with care, attention and quality.

  • Copper
  • Brass
  • Aluminum Cans
  • Stainless Steel
  • Scrap Iron (all ferrous and nonferrous material)
  • Transmissions
  • Transformers
  • Electric motors
  • Radiators
  • Car and truck batteries
  • Industrial batteries
  • Insulated wire
  • Roofing gutters
  • Tungsten carbide
  • E-waste materials
  • Aluminum automobile rims


E-waste is a common, informal term for electronic components and products reaching the end of their lifespan. E-waste products include everything from computers, VCRs, DVD players, stereos, copying machines, fax machines and beyond. Most “e-waste” can actually be recycled and repurposed for future use.

Though e-waste occurs when owners no longer need their electronic devices, much e-waste is also created by products that don’t sell. A store owner may simply throw away or discard an electronic product if no one has bought it, and it becomes trash. The main issue with e-waste is safety. Over time, toxic chemicals will start to leak and emanate from discarded electronic products and create a hazardous environment for humans, plant life and animals.

Don’t throw your electronic products in the trash. Take it to us instead. Our team has the tools, capabilities and experience to properly recycle and dispose of your e-waste safely, keeping our communities clean and comfortable.

Schedule a Service With Us Today